Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

Telephone02 4421 0699

Student wellbeing

Like all NSW public schools, we provide safe learning and teaching environments to encourage healthy, happy, successful and productive students.

The department is committed to creating quality learning opportunities for children and young people. These opportunities support wellbeing through positive and respectful relationships and fostering a sense of belonging to the school and community.

The Wellbeing Framework for Schools helps schools support the cognitive, physical, social, emotional and spiritual development of students and allows them to connect, succeed and thrive throughout their education.

Bomaderry High School is committed to explicitly teaching and modelling positive behaviour and to supporting all students to be engaged with their learning. We model positive behaviour through having a school-wide set of expectations, which apply across the whole school in all circumstances and settings.

For more information on how we encourage students to meet those expectations, see our BHS School Behavior Support and Management Plan 2025


BHS Wellbeing Team

Bomaderry High has a dedicated team to help meet the wellbeing needs of all students. Our student wellbeing team led by Mrs Julie Mehic (Head Teacher - wellbeing,) comprises year advisers, counsellors, head teachers, and other support staff. The team strive to meet the personal, social and learning needs of our students to ensure their happiness and safety at school. The team offers several programs to students including camps, motivational presentations, study skills and leadership workshops.

Meet the student wellbeing Team: 

Julie Mehic - Head Teacher Wellbeing
Liz Asanovic - Deputy Principal Inclusion and Support
Marty Richardson - Student Support Officer
Jasmine Pickard - School Counsellor
Bev Kelly - School Counsellor
Britt Hedrick - Youth Worker/ School Chaplain
Natasha Tidswell- Wellbeing Health InReach Nurse
Tracey Clothier - Defence Mentor

Year Advisers

Students Year Adviser should be the first point of contact for parents if they have concerns about the welfare of their child. Our year advisers have a diverse role in encouraging and supporting students. 

See our Year Advisers page for a list of year advisers, more information and contact details.

You can also check out our Wellbeing Hub with the link below. Our Wellbeing Hub provides information and a large resource directory for our students wellbeing.

Wellbeing image

Wellbeing Hub

Our wellbeing team have created this helpful resources to help with the wellbeing of our students and their families. We encourage you to visit this site, especially if you are in need of support.
Visit the Wellbeing Hub