What is Sentral?
Sentral for Parents is a mobile app and online portal that helps parents stay informed about their child's school life:
- Communication: Parents can receive messages and notifications from teachers, and respond to feedback.
- Absences: Parents can report absences and provide explanations.
- Payments: Parents can make payments for school activities through a secure gatew
- Attendance: Parents can review student attendance
- Reports: Parents can view studente
- Interviews: Parents can schedule parent-teacher interv
- Family details: Parents can update their family details, such as emergency contacts and address.
Sign in links and support
Online portal - For online access for parents or students, follow this link and sign in.
Mobile App - To download the app, visit google play or Apple store and download the Sentral for Parents App. Or visit the Sentral website for more information.
What you'll need to sign up - If this is your first time signing up to Sentral, you will need your childs student key that you would have been given when your student started at Bomaderry High School. Each student has their own student key.
For help - visit the Getting Started page on the Sentral website for instructions on how to sign into the Sentral portal.