Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

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Asia literacy

“Asia capability means that every student will exit schooling in Australia with knowledge and understanding of the histories, geographies, arts and literature of the diverse countries."

Bomaderry High School has worked in partnership with the teachers of Kangaroo Valley, Cambewarra, Shoalhaven Heads, Bomaderry and Berry public schools, in developing an engaging program to study Asia. Each year, the schools select Asian cultures to study and collaboratively develop projects or activities.

In the last six years, this program has expanded to include a partnership with the University of Wollongong’s International Students’ Unit. The University bring international students to the school to present cultural talks and activities to the BHS students.

The international students also visit the partner primary schools, providing staff and students an opportunity to discuss and learn about Asian cultures. A highlight of this program is the presentations by the international students during the Asia expo. In the past, these have included traditional dancing, costumes and songs. In the last four years, our students have interacted with international students from China, Taiwan, South Korea, Japan, Malaysia, Singapore, Iran, Indonesia, and India.

Korea sister school program

In 2016, Mrs Mehic travelled to Yangpeong High School in South Korea as part of the first stage of our Korea sister school program. Mrs Mehic taught classes about Australian culture and also observed lessons in various subjects.  As part of this experience, Mrs Mehic also enjoyed visiting palaces, temples and other cultural sights.

Students at our school will now be involved in writing to the students in Yangpeong and also learning cultural aspects, such as a Korean song. We look forward to July, when we will welcome a staff member from the school to BHS. 

The opportunity to develop a sister school relationship was offered to the school through the Asia Education Foundation.

Asia expo

The Asia expo is an initiative developed by Bomaderry High School Deputy Principal Jo Parsons and teacher librarian Marion Hing to promote awareness and understanding of the Asia region.

The Asia expo gives local primary students the opportunity to work collaboratively with Bomaderry High School students in the development of culturally relevant activities focusing on the arts and cultures from Asia.

“Bomaderry High School students put together an interesting array of cultural activities for primary school students to enjoy and learn from. This was a great experience for both the primary and high school students.” – Milly  4E student.

man wearing lion costume

In 2015, Cultural Infusion performed a traditional Chinese lion dance for students at the Bomaderry High School Asia expo.


“We travel all over this country performing, but we always make sure we return to this school because they have the best students.” – cultural infusion performers

4E ‘Refugee Story Boat’ arrived at the 2015 Asia expo!


Students in 4E explored the concept of multiculturalism, identity and immigrant experiences through the exploration of a variety of texts.


In 2016, at the Asia expo, 4E English students used their understanding of the immigrant experience to present their creative project ‘The Refugee Story Boat’ to share their understanding and awareness of this issue with primary school students.


This included suitcases with hand made items based upon their understanding of the migrant experience. Journal entries and a creative story was presented to visiting primary school students. Multi-media formats and creative learning activities were used to enhance the experience of their immigrant story.


“The Asia expo was an inspiring experience full of cultural activities. There were Chinese lion dancers and many other amazing performances. 4E students interacted with many primary school students and created an ‘Immigration Story Boat’. I love the 4E program because it is interesting, creative and you get to work with older students.” – Zara  4E student.