Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

Telephone02 4421 0699

Korean sister school program

Bomaderry High School has developed a sister school relationship with Yangpyeong High School in Korea, offered to the school through the Asia Education Foundation.

The first stage of our Korea sister school program, was in 2016, when Mrs Mehic travelled to Yangpeong High School in South Korea as part of the first stage of our Korea sister school program. Mrs Mehic taught classes about Australian culture and also observed lessons in various subjects. 

Students at our school have since been involved in writing to the students in Yangpeong and learning about their cultural. 

Then in October/ November 2023, a selection of students and staff from our sister school, Yangpeong High School, came to Australia and Bomaderry High School for a visit. Students and staff from BHS introduced them to some of our culture, favourite school subjects, food, local environment and more.

See here for a Youtube video on Yangpeong High School visit to Bomaderry High School.

Since then, we have had a selection of students from our sister school, Yangpyeong High School, visit us here in Australia and at Bomaderry High School. 

And then in the 2024 September school holidays, 23 students and 9 staff from Bomaderry High School had an amazing overseas excursion to South Korea. Students had the opportunity to visit many attractions, indulge in local cuisine, and, best of all, connect with our sister school, Yangpyeong High School. The memories created during this excursion will last a lifetime.

See our Youtube videos of Bomaderry High Schools trip to South Korea 2019 and South Korea 2024  and below for a small sample of photos from our amazing excursion to South Korea in 2024: