Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

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Support classes

Gina Myers-Brown photo

Melissa Cairns

Support Head Teacher
Contact Melissa

The special education faculty at Bomaderry High School currently supports 21 students with special needs. The special education staff includes two specialist teachers and two teachers’ aides who are highly committed to provide all students with the best possible learning opportunities.

Through the development and implementation of specific teaching and learning programs, students are able to access the life skills curriculum, elective classes taught by mainstream teachers as well as a number of post-school options which will allow them to make a successful transition to adulthood and the world of further education, training or work.

The special education unit at Bomaderry High School believes that working in partnership ensures that students who have difficulties learning will be given the best possible opportunities to succeed.

Through collaborative planning we hope that we can successfully move students from school to post-school activities, including post-secondary education, vocational training, integrated employment (including supported employment), continuing and adult education, independent living and or community particiation.

Teaching and learning

Teaching programs are developed in accordance with the NSW DET life skills syllabus Stages 4, 5 and 6. The planning, preparation and implementation of teaching programs is an involved and necessary process designed to ensure that all students are given every opportunity to access the life skills curriculum and therefore learn alongside each other.

Programs are developed within the first 3 weeks of term one and are continually assed throughout the academic year. Each students individual education plan (IEP) are based on their own ability, tailored to meet each student’s academic needs. Assessments are conducted in the first couple of weeks to ascertain strengths and weaknesses and an IEP meeting is held in consultation with the parent or career of each student.

Assessments are conducted using a variety of assessment tools, and through consultation with all stakeholders and most importantly the student to prioritise goals and set authentic targets both at school and for our older students transition pathways.

Programming, teaching and learning are viewed as a shared responsibility and as a partnership between students, teachers, parents and support agencies where necessary. A collaborative approach to teaching and learning also ensures that individual students’ needs are being addressed and met through the development of individual education plans and transition planning.

Teaching and learning programs reflect:

  • clear and specific learning outcomes as prescribed in the life skills syllabus
  • long, medium and short term planning
  • teacher and student expectations for learning and the opportunity for extensions
  • assessment schedules and formative assessment data
  • teaching strategies to address different learning styles and levels of ability
  • key subject vocabulary
  • whole class involvement in learning as well as individual and group learning opportunities
  • cross curricular programming in literacy, numeracy and ICT
  • community access programs which allow students to access community venues, services
  • sequencing, progression and continuity of learning experiences for whole class, group or individual students
  • ongoing individual revision and assessment strategies
  • efficient and accurate registration
  • regular refinement, modification and improvement of teaching and learning contents
  • teacher self-assessment opportunities
  • homework schedules.

Support classes transition planning

Transition planning

The movement from school to adult life is one of the most critical transition periods for all students, especially those with special needs. Research has indicated that students with special needs require greater support in their transition to adult life than their peers. This is especially the case in relation to vocational outcomes, which includes getting and maintaining work.

The special education faculty at Bomaderry High School recognises the need for effective planning and support of secondary-aged students with special needs and therefore supports the transition planning process through a range of Programs.

Planning and processes

Transition planning is student centred. It focuses and concentrates on the outcomes that students need to achieve in order to facilitate a smooth transition from school to adult life. The process is designed to incorporate the involvement of each individual student in a personalised process which focuses both on their current and future goals.

Students, parents, teachers, community agencies, community services and government departments all work together to bring about the best possible outcomes for students whether it be for them to get a job if they have the appropriate skills or to access a program that caters to their individual needs once they have left school.

  • The Support Unit at Bomaderry High School works closely with such organisations as Essential Personal, Northcott, Flagstaff, PCYC, Centrelink, Centacare and AGO to ensure that all students are placed in appropriate and meaningful post-school training and employment.