Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

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Technological and applied studies

Stephen Flack photo

Stephen Flack

Technical and Applied Sciences (TAS) Head Teacher
Contact Stephen

Technological and applied studies (TAS) is mandatory for all students in Year 7 and 8. Students can also select from a range of elective TAS subjects.


The Technology and Applied Studies (TAS) faculty is dedicated to providing students with hands-on, practical learning experiences in a variety of technological and applied fields. Our faculty offers a range of subjects such as Design and Technology, Engineering Studies, Food Technology, Industrial Technology, Information and Software Technology, and Textiles Technology. Through these subjects, students have the opportunity to develop valuable skills in problem-solving, creativity, design, and practical application of technology.

Faculty Leadership

The TAS faculty Head Teacher is Mr S Flack

Faculty Overview

The TAS faculty incorporates Home Economics and Industrial Arts subject areas. We are committed to preparing students for future careers in fields such as engineering, design, IT, hospitality, and manufacturing, equipping them with the skills and knowledge needed for success in the modern world.

Curriculum and Programs

The continuum of technology learning is:

  • Mandated from Kindergarten to Year 8 through Science and Technology K-6 and Technology Mandatory Years 7-8 syllabuses.
  • Based on students becoming increasingly sophisticated in their ability to apply knowledge, skills and understanding to design and produce solutions
  • Optional for student specialisation in high school through a range of syllabuses addressing technologies and aspects of design.

Available courses include:

Stage 4: Year 7 & 8

  • Technology Mandatory

Stage 5: Year 9 & 10

  • Industrial Technology Timber
  • Industrial Technology Metal
  • Industrial Technology Engineering
  • Industrial Technology Multimedia
  • Information and Software Technology
  • Textiles Technology
  • Food Technology

Stage 6: Year 11 & 12

  • Industrial Technology Timber
  • Industrial Technology Multimedia
  • Information and Software Technology
  • Textiles and Design
  • Food Technology
  • Engineering
  • VET Hospitality
  • VET Manufacturing and Engineering

Technology Mandatory (Stage 4)

At Bomaderry High School, Year 7 technology classes are divided into lines based on core classes. Each line will have four technology classes. There are ten technology teachers at the school from agriculture, home economics and industrial arts backgrounds who will be teaching mandatory technology. Years 7 and 8 are allocated 4 x 75-minute periods per two week cycle. It is anticipated that every student will experience all areas of textiles, food technology, metal technology and wood technology during the two-year course with each design specialisation taught once. Agriculture is taught separately and incorporates & supplements syllabus outcomes from the Technology course. A mandatory computing lesson is given every cycle to enforce the design specifications as it is expected that every product each student produces has an accompanying folio.

Industrial Technology Multimedia (Stages 5 & 6)

These courses provide students with an opportunity to learn how to develop software solutions by systematically solving problems using a creative approach. The courses also focus on the development of team and communication skills with students, which are recognised as being important prerequisites for successful designers. A variety of computer software applications can be used in innovative and exciting ways throughout the courses. As well as following the prescribed syllabuses, subjects have been developed to meet an area of identified interest and needs among students creating their own projects after learning basic skills and exposure to a wide range of applications.

Food Technology

This course provides students with a broad knowledge and understanding of food properties, processing, preparation and their interrelationship, nutritional considerations and consumption patterns. It addresses the importance of hygienic and safe working practices and legislation in the production of food. Food technology involves weekly “hands on” experiences with food experimentation, food styling and photography, food and dietary analysis. It contributes to both vocational and general life experiences. Students also utilise the School’s coffee van in house and at selected venues throughout the year.

Textiles technology

The study of textiles technology provides students with a broad knowledge of the properties, performances and uses of textiles in which fabrics, colouration, yarns and fires are explored. Students examine the historical, cultural and contemporary perspectives on textile design and develop an appreciation of the factors affecting them as textile consumers. Students investigate the work of textile designers and make judgements about the appropriateness of design ideas, the selection of materials and tools and the quality of textile items. Textile technology involves “hands on” experiences with students designing and creating projects, with supporting research and experimentation documented in a design folio.

Metal Technology

Many of the everyday things we see around us are constructed from METAL. Cars, boats, houses, buildings, farm equipment, furniture and computers to name a few.  This course allows the student to see how these things are made and to develop the skill to enable them to shape and manipulate the metals of today.

Industrial Technology Metal offers a break from the structured confines of the classroom and allows students to experiment with materials in the process of constructing worthwhile practical projects. The course is designed for the student not only interested in a career in the metal and manufacturing industries, but also caters for the interest of students and teaches them problem solving skills vital in the world in which we live.

A practical “hands on” subject that includes projects such as tool boxes, hand tools, brackets, vices, ornaments, jewellery as well as a major project of the students own choice.

Aims of the course are to foster:

  • a sense of purpose, enjoyment and personal satisfaction.
  • safe working attitudes and practice.
  • ingenuity and creativity.
  • an ability to investigate, evaluate, analyse and solve practical problems..
  • respect for craftsmanship.

Timber Technology

Industrial Technology Timber is an introduction to the use of wood and how to shape it into the things around us.  The course is designed for the student not only interested in a career in the wood and timber industries, but also caters for the interest of students as they enjoy the experience of working with a warm natural product.

This practical “hands on” subject includes projects such as coffee tables, lathework, picture frames and construction of a major project of the student’s own choice and design.

Engineering Studies & Engineering Technology

Skills for the engineer, builder and practical scientist.

This course gives practical applications and real life meaning to engineering problems and explains the mysteries of what materials are made from and what properties these materials have that affect us in everyday life.  A great start for those interested in further study and those that have an inquiring mind.

Student Support

Students develop knowledge, understanding and skills through a design and production process using a range of tools, materials and techniques in theory and practical lessons.

Resources and Links

On Guard Safety Training

Curriculum link