Special Religious Education
Bomaderry High School offers Special Religious Education (SRE) as a part of your child’s timetabled lessons. The class is termed ‘Scripture’. Scripture is delivered to students in Years 7-10 as permitetd by the timetable. Our school offers Combined Christian SRE with a teacher employed by THREE16:Shoalhaven
How to enrol in our Combined Christian SRE class
On enrolment, parents/carers will be given the SRE participation letter to complete and return. After the initial enrolment, notification of changes to a child's enrolment in SRE should be given to the school in writing.
Students who elect not to attend Scripture are given supervised alternative meaningful activities.
Link to enrolment: https://ehub.enrol.education.nsw.gov.au/update-student-details/
About Combined Christian SRE
THREE16:Shoalhaven organisation represents local Christian churches and employs SRE teachers to work in Shoalhaven high schools.
The Approved Provider of our SRE teacher at Bomaderry High School is the Baptist Union of NSW. Our teacher also uses the approved curriculum Bible Exlpored.
More information on THREE16:Shoalhaven and the scope and sequence of the Bible Explored curriculum visit the THREE16: Shoalhaven website.
Combined Christian SRE engages students in conversations as they question life, explore values and learn about faith. Students are able to explore and engage with the Bible as a primary text for valuable social and life skills. The Bible Explored curriculum is based on the good news about Jesus Christ and learning the key elements of Christian life and culture.
Our teacher delivers Combined Christian SRE to students, with a number of denominations being taught as one class.