Bomaderry High School

A Quality Experience

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Aboriginal programs

Aboriginal Education Officer (AEO) - Brooke Stewart

The role of the AEO is to work closely with teachers to develop culturally appropriate resources and programs, to promote Aboriginal education, encourage students and support parents. AEOs also act as role models for Aboriginal students and have a positive impact on helping them achieve their potential.

Our AEO, Aunty Brooke Stewart, has been fundamental to the continued development of Aboriginal Education and culturally appropriate practices at Bomaderry High School. Aunty Brooke is also an active member of the Shoalhaven AECG and holds the position of Vice President.

Aunty Brooke is temporarily located in P Block. Students are encouraged to visit Aunty Brooke to seek help or support as needed and to connect with her and their peers.

Aboriginal Education Team

The Aboriginal Education Team comprises teaching and support staff from across the school who work together to meet the goals of the Aboriginal Education Strategy which stem from the focus areas of Community, School and Individual. The Team meets regularly across the school year and welcomes input from students, other staff and the community.

Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies

Bomaderry High School is proud to have established a strong Stage 6 Aboriginal Studies course within the school, with student numbers increasing each year.

Koori Dance Group

The Koori Dance group is a cultural dance group that connects students to local traditions, customs and community. The dance group is highly renowned and performs at a range of significant cultural and community events, organisations and celebrations. The high school students involved in the Koori Dance group have the opportunity to support their primary school peers by sharing dances through workshops. 

Sista Speak

Sista Speak is a school-lead initiative that focuses on promoting a sense of belonging and leadership for young women at Bomaderry High School. The young women participate and lead a range of activities that encourage a connection to self, build confidence, develop leadership skills and consider their overall wellbeing. The activities and discussions are directed by the themes of Self, Health, Social and Emotional. Sista Speak includes female-focused community projects, and supporting the transition of primary school students to high school. The more senior females of the group are referred to as Femtors and act as the leaders or ‘mentors’ of the group. This initiative welcomes the involvement and consultation of community through guest speakers, involvement in community events and community input in planning. The girls enjoy coming to Sista Speak and are proud to be associated with the group.

Bro Speak

Bro Speak is a wellbeing focused initiative for young men at Bomaderry High School. The initiative prioritises the involvement of young Aboriginal men, but also invites non-Aboriginal students that might benefit from re-establishing their sense of belonging and connection to Bomaderry High School. 


NAIDOC Week at Bomaderry High School generally takes place early Term 3. In 2020, NAIDOC Week will run in Term 4. Bomaderry High School’s NAIDOC Week celebrations have developed over the years to become a week-long celebration that involves, community participations, cultural dances, sporting activities, musical and art events, whole-school education and cultural awareness. The Opening Ceremony and whole-school Assembly are highlights celebrated by staff, students and the community. 

Years 6-7 Transition Program

At Bomaderry High School we understand the significance of moving from primary to high school for young people. In acknowledging the challenging process of transitioning, our Sista Speak and Bro Speak groups undertake leadership roles by facilitating activities and events across Term 4 that encourage a smooth and supported transition into Year 7. 

Personalised Learning Pathways (PLPs) 

At Bomaderry High School, Personalised Learning Pathways have become an active process of the Aboriginal Education Team. They are developed in a consultation process between the student, parents/carers, AEO and teachers, to identify, organise and apply personal approaches to learning and engagement. Personalised learning recognises the individual strengths, needs and goals of students and that schools respond to these differences by tailoring learning to meet each student’s developmental and motivational needs.

Please view and downloand our Parent PLP form 


Please view our Student PLP form